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Vampyre Myths & Facts

Vampyre Myths & Facts

Myth: Vampyres can turn into other things.
Fact: Vapmyres CANNOT do the above said, however they can turn psycho.
Myth: Sunlight kills vampyres.
Fact: The sun can kill anybody due to it's harmful radiation and UV rays.
Myth: Holy Water kills vampyres.
Fact: Holy water does not kill vampyres. it just makes them furious at the person that splashed them.
Myth: All vampyres are evil.
Fact: Few vampyres are "evil." There are still a few that can be considered evil though. (ie. Vlad the Impaler) 
Myth: A wooden stake will kill a vampyre.
Fact: A wooden stake will kill anybody that you ram it into. 
Myth: Vampyres have no reflection.
Fact: That is true only in horror movies. Real life vamps do have a reflection.
Myth: Vampyres are immortal.
Fact: Once again, that is only in the movies. Real vampyres ARE mortal. Most of us drink blood for the energy that comes out of it, not for immortality.

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